The Roster
The Roster (9/6)
“The Roster” is a series created by Aneesh Batchu. Each week, a tier list of the best, most average, and worst new releases is published alongside blistering…
The Roster (8/30)
“The Roster” is a series created by Aneesh Batchu. Each week, a tier list of the best, most average, and worst new releases is published alongside blistering…
The Roster (8/23)
“The Roster” is a series created by Aneesh Batchu. Each week, a tier list of the best, most average, and worst new releases is published alongside blistering…
The Roster (4/5)
Each week, Aneesh (Roster Chair) delivers his takes via a tier list of the best, average, and worst tracks for the week. First, here are his bite-sized…